On 01/21/2010 10:43 AM, john cooper wrote:
Anthony Liguori wrote:
On 01/20/2010 07:18 PM, john cooper wrote:
I can appreciate the concern of wanting to get this
as "correct" as possible.
This is the root of the trouble. At the qemu layer, we try to focus on
being correct.
Management tools are typically the layer that deals with being "correct".
A good compromise is making things user tunable which means that a
downstream can make "correctness" decisions without forcing those
decisions on upstream.
Conceptually I agree with such a malleable approach -- actually
I prefer it. I thought however it was too much infrastructure to
foist on the problem just to add a few more models into the mix.
See list for patches. I didn't do the cpu bits but it should be very
obvious how to do that now.
Anthony Liguori
The only reservation which comes to mind is that of logistics.
This may ruffle the code some and impact others such as Andre
who seem to have existing patches relative to the current structure.
Anyone have strong objections to this approach before I have a
look at an implementation?