On 06/02/2014 08:15 AM, Chrysostomos Nanakos wrote:
> VM Image on Archipelago volume is specified like this:
> file=archipelago:<volumename>[/mport=<mapperd_port>[:vport=<vlmcd_port>]]
> or

I still think that there is no need to burden the code with this

> file.driver=archipelago,file.volume=<volumename>[,file.mport=<mapperd_port>[,
> file.vport=<vlmcd_port>]]

...when this version is easier to support.  Older protocols have file=
abuse due to back-compat reasons, but new protocols should not start out
with baggage.

> ---
>  MAINTAINERS         |    5 +
>  block/Makefile.objs |    1 +
>  block/archipelago.c | 1174 
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++

This is a lot to review at once - is there any reasonable way to break
it into a series of smaller patches?

I still don't see anything added to the QMP blockdev-add command.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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