Hi, few months ago Pierre Riteau reported regression of exec migration in qemu. (http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/qemu-devel/2009-08/msg01557.html) There was some discussion, but there is no clear conclusion. Today, I tried qemu-kvm- and migration is still very slow (using libvirt save command, which internaly uses migration) to suspend vm with 4GB of ram can take almost half an hour, although system is not loaded at all. Is there some way to speed things up? Any tips would be greatly appreciated... with best regards nik
-- ------------------------------------- Nikola CIPRICH LinuxBox.cz, s.r.o. 28. rijna 168, 709 01 Ostrava tel.: +420 596 603 142 fax: +420 596 621 273 mobil: +420 777 093 799 www.linuxbox.cz mobil servis: +420 737 238 656 email servis: ser...@linuxbox.cz -------------------------------------