
Prior to commit 99fd437dee468609de8218f0eb3b16621fb6a9c9 (enable
hotplug for pci bridges), PCI cards used to show up in the "device
tree" of OS X (System Information). E.g., on MountainLion I have:

Hardware -> PCI Cards:

  Card          Type                 Driver Installed  Slot
 *ethernet      Ethernet Controller  Yes               PCI Slot 2 
  pci8086,2934  USB UHC              Yes               PCI Slot 29

    Type:                 Ethernet Controller
    Driver Installed:     Yes
    MSI:                  No
    Bus:                  PCI
    Slot                  PCI Slot 2
    Vendor ID:            0x8086
    Device ID:            0x100e
    Subsystem Vendor ID:  0x1af4
    Subsystem ID:         0x1100
    Revision ID:          0x0003

Hardware -> Ethernet Cards

    Type:                 Ethernet Controller
    Bus:                  PCI
    Slot                  PCI Slot 2
    Vendor ID:            0x8086
    Device ID:            0x100e
    Subsystem Vendor ID:  0x1af4
    Subsystem ID:         0x1100
    Revision ID:          0x0003
    BSD name:             en0
    Kext name:            AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext
    Location:             /System/Library/Extensions/...
    Version:              3.1.1b1

After commit 99fd437dee468609de8218f0eb3b16621fb6a9c9, I get:

Hardware -> PCI Cards:

  This computer doesn't contain any PCI cards. If you installed PCI
  cards, make sure they're properly installed.

Hardware -> Ethernet Cards

    Type:                 Ethernet Controller
    Bus:                  PCI
    Vendor ID:            0x8086
    Device ID:            0x100e
    Subsystem Vendor ID:  0x1af4
    Subsystem ID:         0x1100
    Revision ID:          0x0003
    BSD name:             en0
    Kext name:            AppleIntel8254XEthernet.kext
    Location:             /System/Library/Extensions/...
    Version:              3.1.1b1

Ethernet still works, but it's not showing up on the PCI bus, and it
no longer thinks it's plugged in to slot #2, as it used to before the

My command line is

bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -enable-kvm -m 2048 -cpu core2duo -M q35 \
  -device isa-applesmc,osk="..." \
  -usb -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse \
  -smbios file=./dmidecode.bin -kernel ./chameleon_boot \
  -device ide-drive,bus=ide.2,drive=MacHDD \
  -drive id=MacHDD,if=none,snapshot=on,file=./mac_10.8.img \

where "dmidecode.bin" is a custom SMBIOS table, "chameleon_boot" is
the stage-2 bootloader component of Chameleon, and on the kernel side
I have the irq-polarity patch we're currently talking about in a
separate thread
and also the monitor==mwait==NOP patch.

Any ideas or thoughts appreciated !

Thanks much,

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