Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> On 12/15/09 18:30, Wolfgang Mauerer wrote:
>> Hi Gerd,
>> in commit 5b684b5a56e81f6f, you introduced an explicit check
>> to prevent adding SCSI controllers without attached disks
>> to the system.
> There was a patch from Daniel removing that check, isn't that one merged 
> meanwhile?  Hmm, looks like it isn't.
> Your patch does more than just killing the check, especially the chunk 
> in lsi53c895a.c is clearly wrong.  I'd prefer Daniels patch being merged 
> instead.

after sending the patch, Daniel told me that he had already sent one,
and I don't care which one you merge as long as I can add empty
contollers again ;-)
>> Is there any other method to introduce
>> disk-less controllers into the system?
> device_add lsi,id=<hba-name>,addr=<slot.func>
> adding disks then:
> drive_add unused if=none,id=<disk-name>,file=...
> device_add scsi-disk,drive=<disk-name>,bus=<hba-name>.0,scsi-id=<nr>
> Note that this is the only way you can expect to work reliable with more 
> than one scsi adapter being present in the system.


Cheers, Wolfgang

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