On 23 January 2014 19:28, rajan pathak <rajanpath...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have compiled the kernel using versatile_defconfig where I can see
> CONFIG_SMC91X,So I guess it uses SMSC 91C111 as its Ethernet controller.
> I can see call to this  smc91c111_init(nd, 0x10010000, sic[25]); function is
> made inside hw/arm/versatilepb.c which triggers the initialization of
> emulated SMSC Ethernet controller in hw/net/smc91c111.c.

versatilepb is not a Cortex-A15 board, so neither
the QEMU code for it nor the kernel configuration
for it are relevant here.

> I am looking to emulate Ethernet controller based on
> Cortex-A15 platform,so for
> Do I need to use vexpress_defconfig instead of versatile_defconfig?
> If I have to use vexpress what would initializtion point of my emulated
> Ethernet controller based Cortex-A15 platform?

I'm not clear what you're trying to do here; could
you try rephrasing your question? Are you just trying
to use the existing working QEMU emulation of a
Cortex-A15 board and ethernet controller, or to do
something else?

> Would be inside vexpress_common_init() of vexpress.c
> /* 0x4e000000 LAN9118 Ethernet */
>     if (nd_table[0].used) {
>         lan9118_init(&nd_table[0], map[VE_ETHERNET], pic[15]);
>     }
> Could anyone please confirm this above understanding of mine?

You need to build a kernel configured for the board
model you want to use. In QEMU at the moment the
board models which support the Cortex-A15 are
'vexpress-a15' and the virtual-machine-only 'virt'.
The former uses a LAN9118 and the latter can
support a virtio-net networking device plugging
into the virtio-mmio transport.

-- PMM

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