On Wed, Jan 15, 2014 at 10:17:52PM +0000, Herbei Dacian wrote:
> Is there any way to edit qemu sources as eclipse projects?
> I could also edit in another IDE but I'm familiar only with eclipse.

I'm sure it's possible but most developers use the shell (bash, zsh,
etc) and text editor (vim, emacs, etc) of their choice instead.

I don't use Eclipse but in general:
1. Run "cd qemu && ./configure" from a shell to prepare for building
2. Import the QEMU source tree into Eclipse so the .c and .h files are
   in your project.  Now you can browse/edit the code.
3. Configure the project build settings to invoke make.  Don't try to
   use the IDE's build support because QEMU has a custom build system
   and it probably won't work.

You may also be able to set up git integration in the IDE but I don't
know how that works.


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