kernel 3.12.5, qemu-1.7.0.
With vhost=on, qemu shortly after start uses all its assigned memory (2G
for example), without vhost-net enabled it does not go to more than 200
MB on my idling test virtual machine. 100% reproducable. I think its not
how it should be.
Full command:
/usr/bin/qemu-system-x86_64 -machine accel=kvm -name _debian -usb
-machine accel=kvm -cpu host,level=9 -smp cpus=2 -vga std -monitor
-vnc unix://home/piotr/src/vmninja/sockets/_debian.vnc.socket -m 2048
-boot order=d,menu=on -drive if=ide,index=2,media=cdrom,id=virtcd
-netdev tap,id=if0,helper=/usr/libexec/qemu-bridge-helper --br=lebridge0
-device virtio-net-pci,netdev=if0,mac=de:ee:b3:9e:a3:d5,romfile= -drive
-- Piotr.