On 6 January 2014 07:56, Peter Crosthwaite <peter.crosthwa...@xilinx.com> wrote:
> On Mon, Jan 6, 2014 at 5:41 PM, Peter Maydell <peter.mayd...@linaro.org> 
> wrote:
>> That raises some more general design questions:
>>  * how is this expected to interact with rom blob loading, -machine 
>> firmware=,
>>    etc?
> I guess it's not. The behavior of "-machine firmware=" is machine
> specific, so a machine specific undefined behavior will occur if you
> have overlap issues. The two should not in any way inhibit each other.
> They are independent mechanisms.
>> What are the guidelines for when to use one or the other?
> "-machine firmware=" if you want to load a firmware blob in a board
> specific way. This if you want to place a blob in memory at an
> arbitrary location on reset.

I guess I don't much like the way we're solving a problem by
adding yet another mechanism here rather than trying to produce
a design for blob loading that works for all the use cases we have.

-- PMM

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