On Fri, 11 Dec 2009, Andreas F?rber wrote:

> Am 06.12.2009 um 07:37 schrieb malc:
> > will try system-ppc later..
> I've tried Debian 4.0r4a ppc netinst CD on Linux/ppc64 and spotted different
> but similar deviations:
> ppc64 qemu-system-ppc segfaults after "returning from prom_init".

Weird things going on there, it fails (but only semi-reliably!) inside
helper_lsw it appears that while argument passed to it is correct the
memory reference (inside ldl) uses sign extended version of the address.

I'm a bit stumped...

> ppc64 qemu-system-ppc64 boots the default "install" option fine.
> amd64 qemu-system-ppc does not exhibit this crash.
> amd64 qemu-system-ppc64 boots okay, too.
> Andreas


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