----- "Anthony Liguori" <anth...@codemonkey.ws> wrote: > Yaniv Kamay wrote: > > Hi, > > > > Spice project is now open, for more information visit > http://spice-space.org, > > due to a server relocation the site will be down during this > weekend. > > > > Spice ship patched QEMU based on fairly old KVM snapshot as a > reference > > implementation. The Spice team plane to push all the relevant bits > into > > QEMU upstream. > > > > Historically, we have not supported multiple display mechanisms > favoring > making one mechanism as good as it can be. > > Supporting both Spice and VNC would go against this policy. It's not > > outside the realm of possibility, but there has to be a good > justification for it. > > We need to separate the advantages of having a paravirtual display > driver from the advantages of a remote display protocol. For > instance, > VNC is capable of doing ARGB cursor offloading to the client. We do > not > support it in QEMU because the VGA drivers we emulate do not support > this functionality. Likewise, VNC can support sound tunneling and > QEMU > does implement this (although virt-manager does not yet). > > So from a protocol perspective, what are the advantages of Spice over > VNC? > > Obviously, the disadvantages are that for all practical purposes, it's > a > closed protocol. While there is now a specification, there is not a > clear mechanism for extending it by third parties. VNC has a > published > protocol and there's a documented process for extending by third > parties. There are a large number of existing VNC clients so from an > > interoperability perspective, VNC clearly wins. > > Since VNC is extensible (and we've extended it many times for QEMU), > if > Spice possesses unique encoding mechanisms that are advantageous, why > > wouldn't we just add those mechanisms to VNC as an extension?
I'm not getting into this discussion and is not going to happen, you have all the necessary information on spiec-space.org in order to take intelligent decision. The QEMU community can choose to reject Spice if it decide to do so. > > Regards, > > Anthony Liguori