Peter Crosthwaite wrote:
Hi Liguang,
On Wed, Nov 27, 2013 at 6:23 PM, liguang<>  wrote:
this patch-set implemented a device-reduced
machine type for Allwinner's sunxi series SoC,
like sunxi-4i/5i/7i ...

now, It can support sunxi-4i with a cortex-a8 processor.
and will support more later, like sunxi-7i with cortex-a7,
and will add more devices.

v2: split timer and interrupt controller emulation into
         their corresponding files.

1. change loader_start address
2. add 64-bit counter
3. fixup fail to clear interrup status issue

1. add VMSD
2. use defines of magic number for readability
3. code cleanup

2. code cleanup

1. fix a fiq lost issue pointed out by Peter Crosthwaite
2. code cleanup

These respins are getting pretty thick and fast. You should give the
other maintainers at least overnight (if not a few days) to weigh in
as well.

OK,  thanks!
just a little busy on other jobs, :-)
1. add BROM support
2. add more devices
3. add sunxi-7i support

can boot-up officially released linux kernel.


Li Guang (5)
          hw/ptimer: add VMSTATE_PTIMER_ARRAY
          hw/timer: add sunxi timer device
          hw/intc: add sunxi interrupt controller device
          hw/arm: add sunxi machine type
          MAINTAINERS: add myself to maintain sunxi machine

MAINTAINERS                     |   9 +++++++++
default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak |   3 +
hw/arm/Makefile.objs            |   1 +
hw/arm/sunxi-soc.c              |  98 
hw/intc/Makefile.objs           |   1 +
hw/intc/sunxi-pic.c             | 244 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
hw/timer/Makefile.objs          |   1 +
hw/timer/sunxi-pit.c            | 276 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
include/hw/intc/sunxi-pic.h     |  20 +++
include/hw/ptimer.h             |   3 +++
include/hw/timer/sunxi-pit.h    |  37 +++++
11 files changed, 693 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
  create mode 100644 hw/timer/sunxi-pit.c
  create mode 100644 include/hw/timer/sunxi-pit.h
  create mode 100644 hw/intc/sunxi-pic.c
  create mode 100644 include/hw/intc/sunxi-pic.h
  create mode 100644 hw/arm/sunxi-soc.c

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