this patch-set implemented a device-reduced 
machine type for Allwinner's sunxi series SoC,
like sunxi-4i/5i/7i ...

now, It can support sunxi-4i with a cortex-a8 processor.
and will support more later, like sunxi-7i with cortex-a7,
and will add more devices.

v2: split timer and interrupt controller emulation into
        their corresponding files.
1. change loader_start address
2. add 64-bit counter
3. fixup fail to clear interrup status issue

1. add VMSD
2. use defines of magic number for readability
3. code cleanup

1. add BROM support
2. add more devices
3. add sunxi-7i support

can boot-up officially released linux kernel.


Li Guang (4)
         hw/timer: add sunxi timer device
         hw/intc: add sunxi interrupt controller device
         hw/arm: add sunxi machine type
         MAINTAINERS: add myself to maintain sunxi machine

MAINTAINERS                     |   9 +++++++++
default-configs/arm-softmmu.mak |   3 +
hw/arm/Makefile.objs            |   1 +
hw/arm/sunxi-soc.c              |  98 
hw/intc/Makefile.objs           |   1 +
hw/intc/sunxi-pic.c             | 238 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
hw/timer/Makefile.objs          |   1 +
hw/timer/sunxi-pit.c            | 295 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
include/hw/intc/sunxi-pic.h     |  20 ++++
include/hw/timer/sunxi-pit.h    |  37 +++++
10 files changed, 703 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 hw/timer/sunxi-pit.c
 create mode 100644 include/hw/timer/sunxi-pit.h
 create mode 100644 hw/intc/sunxi-pic.c
 create mode 100644 include/hw/intc/sunxi-pic.h
 create mode 100644 hw/arm/sunxi-soc.c

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