Avi Kivity wrote:

> It's not that it doesn't have a way to report failure, it's that it
> doesn't fail.  Do you prefer functions that fail and report it to
> functions that don't fail?

You have a way of allocating memory that will _never_ fail?

>> Seriously, who does that anyway? why call malloc when you dont want the
>> space? so you can use realloc? 99.99% of the time realloc() is the Wrong
>> Solution(tm).
> Read the beginning of the thread.  Basically it's for arrays, malloc(n *
> sizeof(x)).

well, make sure n is not 0. Its not that hard. I dont think I've *ever*
had a situation where I wanted to pass 0 to malloc.

>> stick to what people know, and LART them for misuse of it if necessary.
> The LART is a crash, great.

No, the LART would be a 'your patch does this wrong, try this:'


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