Il 22/10/2013 04:25, Lei Li ha scritto:
> +# @unix-page-flipping: If enabled, QEMU will support localhost migration. 
> This
> +#          feature allows live upgrade of a running QEMU instance by doing 
> localhost
> +#          migration with page flipping. It requires the source and 
> destination
> +#          are both on localhost. Disabled by default. (since 1.7)
> +#

If enabled, QEMU can optimize migration when the destination is a QEMU
process that runs on the same host as the source (as is the case for
live upgrade).  If the migration transport is a Unix socket, QEMU will
flip RAM pages directly to the destination, so that memory is only
allocated twice for the source and destination processes. Disabled by
default. (since 1.8)


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