The QEMU team is pleased to announce the availability of the 0.11.1
release.  This is a stable release of the 0.11 tree and contains only
bug fixes since the 0.11.0  The attached Changelog includes all of the
changes that have went in since 0.11.1.

It can be downloaded from Savannah at:

If you want to see a fix included in a stable release, please send a 
mail to the mailing list with a [STABLE] tag, with either a commit log
from HEAD that can be cherry-picked, or a backported patch from HEAD if
it doesn't apply directly. Please do it as soon as the patch is
committed to HEAD, a new stable release will happen when a certain
amount of patches are present in the stable tree, depending on their

- fix I2C slave addressing (Juha Riihimaki)
- Revert "vga: do not resize the screen on hw_invalidate" (Aurelien Jarno)
- slirp: fix use-after-free (Mark McLoughlin)
- Fix sparc.ld (Blue Swirl)
- ELF codedump build failures (Laurent Desnogues)
- kvm: Move KVM mp_state accessors to i386-specific code (Hollis Blanchard)
- fix configure script with armv4l cpu (Laurent Desnogues)
- net: disable draining tap queue in one go (Mark McLoughlin)
- pcnet: Restart poll timer on pcnet_start (Jan Kiszka)
- Sparc32: Fix lance (Blue Swirl)
- mac99: fix segmentation fault on startup (Aurelien Jarno)
- usb-linux.c: fix buffer overflow (Jim Paris)
- ARM host: fix generated blocks linking (Laurent Desnogues)
- qemu serial: lost tx irqs (affecting FreeBSD's new uart(4) driver (Juergen 
- exec-all.h: increase MAX_OP_PER_INSTR to 96 from 64 (Aurelien Jarno)

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73       

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