
On Thu, Nov 26, 2009 at 02:23:09PM +0100, Alexander Graf wrote:
> While S390x was one of the first targets that were supported by KVM it always
> lacked qemu system emulation support.
> In order to change that sad fact, I figured I'd just take on the task myself,
> taking kuli (http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/linux390/kuli.html),
> Documentation/s390/kvm.txt and lguest as starting points to write a clean,
> qemu'ish S390x Virtio machine emulation.
> So now you can run Linux VMs on Linux on z/VM on LPAR on zSeries!
> This is the resulting code. Please comment on things you like and also on the
> ones you don't :-).
> The patchset is based on Uli's S390x userspace emulation patches. There's not
> really that much shared functionality, but I didn't want to reimplement the
> configure wheels. So make sure to have his patches applied first.
> Please only run S390x system virtualization using io threads. S390x has very
> few intercepts and even less that actually reach userspace. So you'll end up
> with a non-responsive VM without a dedicated IO thread.
> Use: $ ./configure --target-list=s390x-softmmu --enable-io-thread
> Currently only -kernel, -initrd and friends work. Booting from a real dasd
> device is not supported.
> Also to actually run this code you need a patch for an ugly bug in the kernel
> module that Carsten sent a patch to on the ML.
> I verified that the userspace actually works on a 2.6.27 (SLES11) kernel, so
> if it doesn't work on current git, please tell me! I'm too afraid that I might
> end up in a 3270 terminal to update the kernel on my z/VM instance :-).
> ##### WARNING #####
> Apparently the qemu review process has scared off yet another developer for 
> now.
> So I'm sending this patchset without relying on Uli's set but rather
> implemented small stubs for TCG host and TCG guest support, so we can run
> on KVM. He promised me to send it again "soon" - whenever that is.
> These stubs don't serve any purpose but to get KVM running, so you get no x86
> on S390X or S390X on x86 for now!

This patchset basically looks ok. I have some minor comments, a lot of
them being related to coding style, but they should be easy to solve,
and should not prevent inclusion in 0.12.0 release.

Please find comments in the individual patches.

Aurelien Jarno                          GPG: 1024D/F1BCDB73
aurel...@aurel32.net                 http://www.aurel32.net

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