Hello, We're proud to announce release 0.01 of OSv, a new operating system for running applications on virtual machines. OSv is free software, released under the BSD license, and you can find it in https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv and http://www.osv.io.
To build and run OSv under KVM/QEMU, first grab the latest source code from Github: git clone g...@github.com:cloudius-systems/osv.git Then install prerequisite packages: On Fedora: yum install ant autoconf automake boost-static gcc-c++ genromfs \ libvirt libtool zfs-fuse flex bison On Debian: apt-get install libboost-all-dev genromfs zfs-fuse autoconf Make sure the zfs-fuse daemon is running: On Fedora: sudo systemctl start zfs-fuse.service sudo systemctl enable zfs-fuse.service # to have it start on reboot On Debian the daemon should be started automatically. Fetch git submodules: git submodule update --init Finally, build OSv: make external all You can then start a OSv guest under KVM/QEMU: sudo ./scripts/run.py -nv -m 2G You can SSH into the guest with: ssh admin@ # password: admin The management web UI is at address: Alternatively, you can use prebuilt QEMU QCOW2 images of the release. Instructions how to do that are on our Wiki: https://github.com/cloudius-systems/osv/wiki/Running-OSv-under-KVM-QEMU That's it! Pekka