Il 11/09/2013 12:19, Ian Campbell ha scritto:
On Wed, 2013-09-11 at 12:14 +0200, Fabio Fantoni wrote:
Is this directed and Xen or qmeu folks?
What are the outstanding questions which need to be answered?
It doesn't look to me like Ian's concerns from the (great?) grandparent
have been addressed? On the other hand I appear to be missing some of
the mails in this thread.
I quoted the complete mail:
The ping was directed to xen-devel, I added qemu-devel to get some
definite answers about qemu hardcoded parameters on which you have doubts.
There were answers from qemu developersand after also positive reply
from Ian Jackson.
I did a v4 of this patch with the missed advices but no more replies
after qemu parameters question that seems solved on this old thread.
All details are on mail linked above.
Thanks for any reply and sorry for my bad english.