On 09/02/2013 08:57 PM, Daniel P. Berrange wrote:
On Mon, Sep 02, 2013 at 05:38:42PM +0800, Guannan Ren wrote:
usb-bot only supports 16 luns(0~15) and they must be contiguous,
(using lun 0 and 2 without 1 doesn't work). In this case qemu
doesn't throw an error, we can not find the lun 2 in guests. So
Adding a checking function in libvirt to prevent from this case.
Hmm, this seems like a problematic restriction.

How does this work if we start off a guest with 3 disks
attached to the usb-bot SCSI controller. Then hot-unplug
the 2nd disk.

Currently, the qemu will throw out an error when I hot-unplug any of disks attached to usb-bot controller.

{ "execute": "device_del", "arguments": { "id": "scsi1-0-0-1"}}
{"error": {"class": "GenericError", "desc": "Bus 'scsi1.0' does not support hotplugging"}}

Libvirt will report an error:
# virsh detach-disk rhel64qcow2 sdd --current
error: Failed to detach disk
error: internal error: unable to execute QEMU command 'device_del': Bus 'scsi1.0' does not support hotplugging

Next time we need will need to start with with LUNs 0
and 2 populated only, otherwise we have ABI change upon
migrate or save/restore.

I think this restriction about contiguous luns must be
removed if this device is to be usable with multiple luns.


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