On Tue, Aug 20, 2013 at 05:59:58PM +0800, Wenchao Xia wrote:
> 于 2013-8-16 16:12, Wenchao Xia 写道:
> >于 2013-8-16 15:15, Wenchao Xia 写道:
> >>于 2013-8-16 0:32, Michael Roth 写道:
> >>>Quoting Michael Roth (2013-08-15 10:23:20)
> >>>>Quoting Wenchao Xia (2013-08-13 03:44:39)
> >>>>>于 2013-8-13 1:01, Michael Roth 写道:
> >>>>>>Quoting Paolo Bonzini (2013-08-12 02:30:28)
> >>>>>>>>1) rename AioContext to AioSource.
> >>>>>>>>    This is my major purpose, which declare it is not a "context"
> >>>>>>>>concept,
> >>>>>>>>and GMainContext is the entity represent the thread's activity.
> >>>>>>>
> >>>>>>>Note that the nested event loops in QEMU are _very_ different from
> >>>>>>>glib nested event loops.  In QEMU, nested event loops only run block
> >>>>>>>layer events.  In glib, they run all events.  That's why you need
> >>>>>>>AioContext.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Would it be possible to use glib for our nested loops as well by just
> >>>>>>setting a higher priority for the AioContext GSource?
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>>Stefan and I were considering how we could make use of his "drop
> >>>>>>ioflush" patches to use a common mechanism to register fd events, but
> >>>>>>still allow us to distinguish between AioContext and non-AioContext
> >>>>>>for nested loops. I was originally thinking of using prepare()
> >>>>>>functions
> >>>>>>to filter out non-AioContext events, but that requires we implement
> >>>>>>on GSource's with that in mind, and non make use of pre-baked ones
> >>>>>>like GIOChannel's, and bakes block stuff into every event source
> >>>>>>implementation.
> >>>>>>
> >>>>>    Besides priority, also g_source_set_can_recurse() can help.
> >>>>>    With a deeper think, I found a harder problem:
> >>>>>g_main_context_acquire() and g_main_context_release(). In release,
> >>>>>pending BH/IO call back need to be cleared, but this action can't
> >>>>>be triggered automatically when user call g_main_context_release().
> >>>>
> >>>>I don't understand why this is a requirement, gmctx_acquire/release
> >>>>ensure
> >>>>that only one thread attempts to iterate the main loop at a time. this
> >>>>isn't currently an issue in qemu, and if we re-implemented
> >>>>qemu_aio_wait()
> >>>>to use the same glib interfaces, the tracking of in-flight requests
> >>>>would
> >>>>be moved to the block layer via Stefan's 'drop io_flush' patches, which
> >>>>moves that block-specific logic out of the main loop/AioContext GSource
> >>>>by design. Are there other areas where you see this as a problem?
> >>>
> >>>I think I understand better what you're referring to, you mean that
> >>>if qemu_aio_wait was called, and was implementated to essentially call
> >>>g_main_context_iterate(), that after, say, 1 iteration, the
> >>>iothread/dataplane thread might acquire the main loop and dispatch
> >>>block/non-block events between qemu_aio_wait() returned? The simple
> >>>approach would be to have qemu_aio_wait() call
> >>>g_main_context_acquire/release
> >>>at the start end of the function, which would ensure that this never
> >>>happens.
> >>>
> >>   qemu_aio_wait() is relative simple to resolve by
> >>g_main_context_acquire(), but also shows additional code needed
> >>for a thread switch:
> >>(guess following is the plan to implement qemu_aio_wait())
> >>qemu_aio_wait(GMainContext *ctx)
> >>{
> >>     return g_main_context(ctx, PRI_BLOCK);
> >>}
> >>at caller:
> >>{
> >>     while (qemu_aio_wait(ctx) {
> >>         ;
> >>     }
> >>     g_main_context_release(ctx);
> >>}
> >>   The above code shows that, in *ctx switch operation, there is
> >>more than glib's own event loop API envolved, qemu_aio_wait(). So
> >>it referenced to a question: what data structure
> >>should be used to represent context concept and control the thread
> >>switching behavior?  It is better to have a clear layer, GMainContext or
> >>GlibQContext, instead of GMainContext plus custom function. The caller
> >>reference to at least two: nested user block layer, flat user above
> >>block layer.
> >>   In my opinion, this problem is brought by Gsource AioContext, Take
> >>the call path of bdrv_aio_readv(*bdrv_cb) on raw linux file as
> >>an example, there are aync following operations involved for AioContext:
> >>1 the bdrv_cb() will be executed in bdrv_co_em_bh().
> >>2 bdrv_co_io_em_complete() will be executed in event_notfier_ready().
> >>3 aio_worker() will be executed in worker_thread().
> >>   Operation 2 and 3 are tracked by block layer's queue after Stefan's
> >>dropping io_flush() series.
> >>   Now if we stick to GMainContext to represent context concept,
> >>then when thread B want to aquire GMainContext used by thread A,
> >>all works setupped by A should be finished before B aquire it,
> >>otherwise B will execute some function supposed to work in A. The
> >>work refers to the three kind of aync functions above.
> >>   For this issue, we can solve it by different means:
> >>1 the event loop API doesn't guarentee work setupped by thread A
> >>will always be finished in A. This put a limitation to caller to
> >>consider thread switching. I talked on IRC with Stefan, and thinks
> >>it is possible for the nested user block layer, but I still want to
> >>avoid this to the flat user above block layer.
> >>2 ask caller to finish all pending operations.
> >>   2.1 glib GMainContext API plus custom API such as aio_wait(). This is
> >>bad that detail under GMainContext is exposed to caller. Since
> >>operation 1 mentioned before is not tracked yet, to make sure bdrv_cb()
> >>is called in thread setupped it, 1 need to be added in the track
> >>queue, or in the call chain of aio_wait(), check the queue plus check
> >>operation 1. Perhaps add a custom function ask caller to call as
> >>context_work_flush()?
> >   If a well named API do the flush work present, using Glib API plus
> >it seems also OK, and can avoid wrapper. I guess
> >bdrv_drain_all(GMainContext *ctx, ...) can do it.
> >
>   I haven't found a good answer in gstream, but want to show
> some idea from my understanding.
> Following is a brief picture of the current event loop in qemu,
> Alex's timer for AioContext is also drawn here:
>                                               ========================
>                                               || I/O thread in vl.c ||
>                                               ========================
>                                                           |
>                                                  run loop |
>                                                           |
> ====================                                      |
> ||    other       || qemu_set_fd_handler2()      =====================
> ||                ||-----------------------------||   Main_loop     ||
> ||(vnc, migration)||                   |         =====================
> ====================                   |          GLib    |
>                                        |    event loop API|
>                   qemu_set_fd_handler()|                  |
>                        -----------------          ====================
>                        |                          ||  GMainContext  ||
>                        |                          ====================
> ==========             |   (should it be removed?)        |
> ||  hw  ||--------------------------------------          |GSouce
> ==========                      |               |         |Attach
>                                 |  main_loop_tlg|         |
>                    qemu_bh_***()|               |         |
>                                 |               |         |
>                           ======|===============|=======================
>                           ||    |               |                     ||
> ===========               ||  ======   ==================   =======   ||
> || block ||---------------||  | BH |   | TimerListGroup |   | Fd  |   ||
> ===========  qemu_bh_***()||  ======   ==================   =======   ||
>            qemu_aio_wait()||                                          ||
>  qemu_aio_set_fd_handler()||  AioContext                              ||
>                           || (block layer's event collection)         ||
>                            =============================================
>   The main issue here is that components are tightly bind together and
> no clear layer represent the thread and event loop API. Block and hw
> code are inter acting with AioContext, so both GMainContext and
> AioContext are playing the role. I hope to form a library for block,
> So need to pick up one to provide event loop, the choice seems to be:
> 1 GMainContext.
> 2 AioContext.
> 3 Encapsulation, such as GlibQContext.
>   1) and 2) would not be perfect since non standard glib event loop will
> be exposed, 3) will shows a unified interface similar to glib main loop,
> but more code adjust. After some thinking, I guess AioContext is the
> easiest way, which represent the block's own event loop, and give up
> using glib event loop at this level, just add custom API as
> block_iterate(). Briefly, bdrv_read will becomes:
> int bdrv_read(AioContext *ctx, ....);
I don't understand why you want to add AioContext *ctx to bdrv_read().
The synchronous APIs already work fine since no event loop integration
is necessary at all (the event loop is hidden inside the synchronous

Since AioContext provides a GSource, integrating with an application's
glib event loop should also be easy.  The only hard part is timers,
since we use nanosecond timers - there we should just round up to
millisecond granularity to libqblock.  The nanosecond timers aren't
critical in libqblock, only for running guests.


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