The socket is lagging, i keep sending gdb command to qemu and read the result, 
for every 60 commands, i got 4 seconds lagging, it hangs on the socket:read() 
in my side for 4 seconds.
The qemu is using g_io_channel_write_chars() function to send back the data 
through socket, anyway to optimize it?

Thanksfrom Peter

Date: Sun, 18 Aug 2013 08:48:02 +0800
Subject: [Qemu-devel] single step is too slow, if compare to bochs

Hi All    i have written a java program, keep sending the gdb single step 
command to qemu, i can execute ~60 single steps per seconds. But in bochs i can 
execute ~130. How can I make qemu run faster in single step?

Thanksfrom Peter                                                                

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