On 16 August 2013 08:59, Erik Rull <erik.r...@rdsoftware.de> wrote:
> Hi all,
> when using the released qemu-1.6.0.tar.bz2, I get the following error message:
>   File "/home/erik/qemu-1.6.0/scripts/qapi.py", line 164
>     except QAPISchemaError as e:
>                             ^
> SyntaxError: invalid syntax
> make: *** [qmp-commands.h] Error 1

My guess is that your python is older than 2.6; I think
the "except Foo as e" syntax is new in 2.6. We probably
missed this because most people use a newer Python than
2.6, but configure's check only requires 2.4 or better.

We should probably update the scripts to not use overly
new features (or alternatively decide that 2.6 is our new
minimum -- what do RHEL5 and our other oldest-supported
distros ship?)

For this specific case I think it needs to change to
     except QAPISchemaError, e:

-- PMM

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