On Mon, 5 Aug 2013, Mike Dawson wrote:
> Josh,
> Logs are uploaded to cephdrop with the file name mikedawson-rbd-qemu-deadlock.
> - At about 2013-08-05 19:46 or 47, we hit the issue, traffic went to 0
> - At about 2013-08-05 19:53:51, ran a 'virsh screenshot'
> Environment is:
> - Ceph 0.61.7 (client is co-mingled with three OSDs)
> - rbd cache = true and cache=writeback
> - qemu 1.4.0 1.4.0+dfsg-1expubuntu4
> - Ubuntu Raring with 3.8.0-25-generic
> This issue is reproducible in my environment, and I'm willing to run any wip
> branch you need. What else can I provide to help?

This looks like a different issue than Oliver's.  I see one anomaly in the 
log, where a rbd io completion is triggered a second time for no apparent 
reason.  I opened a separate bug 


and pushed wip-5955 that will hopefully shine some light on the weird 
behavior I saw.  Can you reproduce with this branch and

 debug objectcacher = 20
 debug ms = 1
 debug rbd = 20
 debug finisher = 20


> Thanks,
> Mike Dawson
> On 8/5/2013 3:48 AM, Stefan Hajnoczi wrote:
> > On Sun, Aug 04, 2013 at 03:36:52PM +0200, Oliver Francke wrote:
> > > Am 02.08.2013 um 23:47 schrieb Mike Dawson <mike.daw...@cloudapt.com>:
> > > > We can "un-wedge" the guest by opening a NoVNC session or running a
> > > > 'virsh screenshot' command. After that, the guest resumes and runs as
> > > > expected. At that point we can examine the guest. Each time we'll see:
> > 
> > If virsh screenshot works then this confirms that QEMU itself is still
> > responding.  Its main loop cannot be blocked since it was able to
> > process the screendump command.
> > 
> > This supports Josh's theory that a callback is not being invoked.  The
> > virtio-blk I/O request would be left in a pending state.
> > 
> > Now here is where the behavior varies between configurations:
> > 
> > On a Windows guest with 1 vCPU, you may see the symptom that the guest no
> > longer responds to ping.
> > 
> > On a Linux guest with multiple vCPUs, you may see the hung task message
> > from the guest kernel because other vCPUs are still making progress.
> > Just the vCPU that issued the I/O request and whose task is in
> > UNINTERRUPTIBLE state would really be stuck.
> > 
> > Basically, the symptoms depend not just on how QEMU is behaving but also
> > on the guest kernel and how many vCPUs you have configured.
> > 
> > I think this can explain how both problems you are observing, Oliver and
> > Mike, are a result of the same bug.  At least I hope they are :).
> > 
> > Stefan
> > 
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