We have received numerous requests to extend the CFP deadline and so we are happy to announce that the CFP deadline has been moved by two weeks to August 4th.
================================================================= KVM Forum 2013: Call For Participation October 21-23, 2013 - Edinburgh International Conference Centre - Edinburgh, UK (All submissions must be received before midnight July 21, 2013) ================================================================= KVM is an industry leading open source hypervisor that provides an ideal platform for datacenter virtualization, virtual desktop infrastructure, and cloud computing. Once again, it's time to bring together the community of developers and users that define the KVM ecosystem for our annual technical conference. We will discuss the current state of affairs and plan for the future of KVM, its surrounding infrastructure, and management tools. The oVirt Workshop will run in parallel with the KVM Forum again, bringing in a community focused on enterprise datacenter virtualization management built on KVM. For topics which overlap we will have shared sessions. So mark your calendar and join us in advancing KVM. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum/ Once again we are colocated with The Linux Foundation's LinuxCon Europe. KVM Forum attendees will be able to attend oVirt Workshop sessions and are eligible to attend LinuxCon Europe for a discounted rate. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum/register We invite you to lead part of the discussion by submitting a speaking proposal for KVM Forum 2013. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/cfp Suggested topics: KVM/Kernel - Scaling and performance - Nested virtualization - I/O improvements - VFIO, device assignment, SR-IOV - Driver domains - Time keeping - Resource management (cpu, memory, i/o) - Memory management (page sharing, swapping, huge pages, etc) - Network virtualization - Security - Architecture ports QEMU - Device model improvements - New devices and chipsets - Scaling and performance - Desktop virtualization - Spice - Increasing robustness and hardening - Security model - Management interfaces - QMP protocol and implementation - Image formats - Firmware (SeaBIOS, OVMF, UEFI, etc) - Live migration - Live snapshots and merging - Fault tolerance, high availability, continuous backup - Real-time guest support Virtio - Speeding up existing devices - Alternatives - Virtio on non-Linux or non-virtualized Management infrastructure - oVirt (shared track w/ oVirt Workshop) - Libvirt - KVM autotest - OpenStack - Network virtualization management - Enterprise storage management Cloud computing - Scalable storage - Virtual networking - Security - Provisioning SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS Abstracts due: July 21, 2013 Notification: August 1, 2013 Please submit a short abstract (~150 words) describing your presentation proposal. In your submission please note how long your talk will take. Slots vary in length up to 45 minutes. Also include in your proposal the proposal type -- one of: - technical talk - end-user talk - birds of a feather (BOF) session Submit your proposal here: http://events.linuxfoundation.org/cfp You will receive a notification whether or not your presentation proposal was accepted by Aug 1st. END-USER COLLABORATION One of the big challenges as developers is to know what, where and how people actually use our software. We will reserve a few slots for end users talking about their deployment challenges and achievements. If you are using KVM in production you are encouraged submit a speaking proposal. Simply mark it as an end-user collaboration proposal. As an end user, this is a unique opportunity to get your input to developers. BOF SESSION We will reserve some slots in the evening after the main conference tracks, for birds of a feather (BOF) sessions. These sessions will be less formal than presentation tracks and targetted for people who would like to discuss specific issues with other developers and/or users. If you are interested in getting developers and/or uses together to discuss a specific problem, please submit a BOF proposal. HOTEL / TRAVEL The KVM Forum 2013 will be held in Edinburgh, UK at the Edinburgh International Conference Centre. http://events.linuxfoundation.org/events/kvm-forum/hotel Thank you for your interest in KVM. We're looking forward to your submissions and seeing you at the KVM Forum 2013 in October! Thanks, -your KVM Forum 2013 Program Committee Please contact us with any questions or comments. kvm-forum-2013...@redhat.com