On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 8:51 AM, Chad <chad.p...@gmail.com> wrote:
> (this is mostly to get some ideas going rather than trying to get anything
> upstream... yet!)
> This version of tcg_out_mov for i386's tcg-target.c filters out the
> mov %ebx, %edx
> mov %ebx, [some index]
> mov %edx, %ebx

The question is:  what TCG sequence produces this kind of code?


> I don't have benchmarks, but it does remove a few mov's and qemu can still
> load and run a linux kernel ;)
> It'd be easier to do more optimizations if qemu recorded output at the
> assembly instruction level.
> ---
> static uint8_t *lmovloc = 0;
> static int lmovret = -1, lmovarg = -1;
> static inline void tcg_out_mov(TCGContext *s, int ret, int arg)
> {
>     int ldiff, nowrite = 0;
>     if (arg != ret) {
>         /* Check for a mov, mov->x, mov pattern */
>         ldiff = s->code_ptr - lmovloc;
>         if (((ldiff == 8) || (ldiff == 5)) &&
>                    (*(lmovloc + 2) == 0x89) &&
>                    ((lmovret == ret) && (lmovarg == arg))) nowrite = 1;
>         /* Write */
>         lmovloc = s->code_ptr;
>         if (!nowrite) {
>                 tcg_out_modrm(s, 0x8b, ret, arg);
>         } else {
>                 qemu_log("removed\n");
>         }
>         lmovret = arg; lmovarg = ret;
>     }
> }

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