On Wed, Nov 11, 2009 at 1:06 AM, Luiz Capitulino <lcapitul...@redhat.com> wrote:
>> I'd certainly like to make this code useful for something other than
>> developer training.
>> How about a new monitor command "thermometer_set" that works like 
>> "mouse_move"?
>> "thermometer_set" would just set the temperature of the "first"
>> thermometer device it finds.
>  Couldn't the device be a parameter?
>  And I'd suggest usb_therm_set for the name.

Looking at the existing "mouse_set" and "mouse_move" monitor commands,
they work on USB, PS/2 and other kinds of mice with "mouse_set" selecting
the mouse device affected by  "mouse_move".
So how about a new command "therm_set" which selects the thermometer
affected by "therm_temp" ?

On a separate note, I understand that if a piece of code is not useful enough
we don't want to merge it to add to the maintenance burden.
I still propose 'usb-gotemp' for merging because the fact that gregkh
could give his
driver tutorial several years in a roll to sizable audiences shows
that there are people out there
interested in getting into Linux driver development.
With this code merged, people could follow the video and slides of his talk
without special hardware and this potentially grows the Linux developer pool.

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