>>> + s->temperature++; >>> >> You're going to overheat very quickly. >> Apart from making the driver work, is this actually useful? > >I wanted the temperature to change with time to give a sense of >"something is happening" ^_^ > >The main user I had in mind was someone new to USB and Linux driver >development >following gregkh's driver tutorial: >http://www.kroah.com/linux/talks/ols_2005_driver_tutorial/ >My thinking was that if the temperature never changes, all the USB >packets generated in the 'read_int_callback" >part of the driver would seem like a waste of effort. >
Perhaps you could read temperature samples from a file... Regards, Laurent -- --------------------- laur...@vivier.eu --------------------- "Tout ce qui est impossible reste à accomplir" Jules Verne "Things are only impossible until they're not" Jean-Luc Picard