
--On 20 June 2013 08:58:19 -0700 Sage Weil <> wrote:

I'd like to hear from Ceph folks what their position on kernel rbd vs
librados is.  Why one do they recommend for QEMU guests and what are the

I agree that a flashcache/bcache-like persistent cache would be a big win
for qemu + rbd users.


I think Stefan was really after testing my received wisdom that
ceph+librbd will be greater performance than ceph+blkdev+kernelrbd
(even without the persistent cache), and if so why.

There are few important issues with librbd vs kernel rbd:

 * librbd tends to get new features more quickly that the kernel rbd
   (although now that layering has landed in 3.10 this will be less
   painful than it was).

 * Using kernel rbd means users need bleeding edge kernels, a non-starter
   for many orgs that are still running things like RHEL.  Bug fixes are
   difficult to roll out, etc.

 * librbd has an in-memory cache that behaves similar to an HDD's cache
   (e.g., it forces writeback on flush).  This improves performance
   significantly for many workloads.  Of course, having a bcache-like
   layer mitigates this..

I'm not really sure what the best path forward is.  Putting the
functionality in qemu would benefit lots of other storage backends,
putting it in librbd would capture various other librbd users (xen, tgt,
and future users like hyper-v), and using new kernels works today but
creates a lot of friction for operations.

To be honest I'd not even thought of putting it in librbd (which might
be simpler). I suspect it might be easier to get patches into librbd
than into qemu, and that ensuring cache coherency might be simpler.
If I get time to look at this, would you be interested in taking patches
for this?

Alex Bligh

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