On 06/19/2013 05:28 PM, Kevin Wolf wrote:
> If 'data' for a command definition isn't a dict, but a string, it is
> taken as a (struct) type name and the fields of this struct are directly
> used as parameters.

I like it!  I suspect it may cause conflicts with Amos' work on adding
introspection, but it is still worth doing.

>  def parse_args(typeinfo):
> +    if isinstance(typeinfo, basestring):
> +        struct = find_struct(typeinfo)
> +        assert struct != None
> +        typeinfo = struct['data']
> +

Does this mean that .json files must be written in topological order (in
that we can't use 'data':'Type' unless 'Type' was declared earlier in
the file)?  As the .json file gets larger, I've been wondering if
enforcing alphabetical ordering would make it easier to manage; but if
topological sorting is required, alphabetical sorting might not always
be possible.

Eric Blake   eblake redhat com    +1-919-301-3266
Libvirt virtualization library http://libvirt.org

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