Am 18.06.2013 02:52, schrieb Peter Crosthwaite:
> On Tue, Jun 18, 2013 at 10:46 AM, Andreas Färber <> wrote:
>> Am 18.06.2013 01:44, schrieb Peter Maydell:
>>> On 18 June 2013 00:24, Andreas Färber <> wrote:
>>>> As far as I can see, 1.3.0 is the latest available stable dtc version,
>>>> and it doesn't install libfdt_env.h yet apparently. Any chance we can
>>>> restore build with dtc 1.3.0 tarball (it used to work fine) while
>>>> keeping newer versions working?
>>> I wanted to keep things simple, ie just require a distro
>>> version of libfdt to be installed the way upstream say it
>>> should be, rather than second-guessing whether a broken
>>> libfdt is or isn't going to work with our libfdt_env.h.
>> Quote: "(1) Preferred: Install the DTC devel package"
>> Just to clarify: I am pointing out that apparently there is *no* stable
>> version 1.4.0 or 1.3.1 that installs the expected libfdt_env.h:
>> And I believe a request to package a random git commit for openSUSE
>> distro is going to be declined.
>> So I would be perfectly happy if the dtc maintainers were to provide an
>> official tarball that I can get into our distribution. Then we don't
>> need to tweak QEMU's configure at all. :)
> Yes, this is massively overdue. Bugfixes aside DTC has seen some
> significant feature development since 1.3.0.

For the record, I came up with the following interim fix for openSUSE to
avoid submodule builds for all my repositories:


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