On 06/13/2013 06:20 PM, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
On 06/13/13 12:19, chandrashekar shastri wrote:

I have filed a bug "fdisk still shows the "/dev/sdb" partitions even
after the removal of scsi disk" for the upstream kernel.

Bug link:

RHEL guest shows the partittions even after the removal of scsi disk:
fdisk still shows the "/dev/sdb" partitions even after the removal of
scsi disk.

Guest details:
Kernel : 2.6.32-358

Host Details :

Upstream Kernel, Qemu, Libvirt and virt-manager

kernel version : 3.9.0+
qemu version : QEMU emulator version 1.5.0
libvirt version : 1.0.5
virt-install : 0.600.3

Steps to reproduce the issue:

I. Add the SCSI disk through the virt-manager.
2. Create the partition using fdisk (eg: /dev/sbb)
3. Create a filesystem and format using mkfs.ext3 or mkfs.ext4
4. Remove the scsi disk through the virt-manager.
5. Again run the fdisk /dev/sdb, the guests still shows the partition
even after the removal of the disk.

This issue is not seen with virt-io disk.

This issue is also reproducible without even creating the partitions.

Expected Result:

The output of fdisk /dev/sd* should not show the enties after the
removal of scsi disks
What happens if you run "scsi-rescan --remove" or "scsi-rescan
--forcerescan" in the guest? (Paolo had recommended this to me for an
independent problem / case.)
Thanks for the input, I will try out and update the bug accordingly.



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