On 05/29/13 02:08, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
> On Mon, May 27, 2013 at 05:11:46PM +0400, Michael Tokarev wrote:
>> 27.05.2013 16:59, Kevin O'Connor wrote:
>>> A new stable release of SeaBIOS (version has been tagged.
>>> This release contains bug fixes.
>>> The release is available via git:
>>> git clone git://git.seabios.org/seabios -b 1.7.2-stable
>> Just.. curious -- why there are no tarballs for the dotdot-point
>> releases like this one?  Not that it's hugely important to have
>> the tarballs but... :)
> I thought the stable releases would have a smaller audience, so didn't
> think it was needed.

qemu upstream project doesn't need tarballs as it simply uses a git

distros usually compile seabios from source instead of using the
prebuild binary included in the qemu tarball (for gpl compliance and
other reasons).  So having tarballs even for minor releases is useful.

While talking about releases:  There are quite some changes accumulated
in master, time to cut a new release I think.  Given that sorting the
acpi table issue seems to take more time than expected, how about freeze
+ call for patches _now_, release 1.7.3 some-when in June, then plan to
merge the apci changes (however it works out) for 1.7.4?


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