On Tue, 05/28 12:32, Richard W.M. Jones wrote:
> This fixes the obvious bug.
Thanks for figuring out this. Mainline had this 5s timeout so I kept it,
but you don't experience this bug, right? Since master doesn't setup a
timer to get curl notified about the timing, the option is just not

> I wonder if it should be even larger?  One use for curl is to install
> guests using ISOs from websites without having to download the ISO,
> and I imagine that even a 30 second timeout could be conservative for
> that task.

Long latency network is common in practice, as well as low bandwidth,
the meaning of the timeout is to complete the request, in extreme cases
if it is a 1Kbps link, downloading 256k takes minutes. Anyway, I think
making it larger won't hurt.


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