Argh, reply all is needed.
On May 19, 2013 4:45 PM, "Brendan Dolan-Gavitt" <>

> We had to do something similar for our (soon to be released) record and
> replay implementation. To ensure interrupts are delivered at precisely the
> right time we added a global 64 bit instruction counter and then modified
> translate.c for each architecture to emit tcg ops that increment it before
> each instruction. At the end of translating a TB we store the number of
> instructions in that TB.
> Then during replay, before every basic block executes (we disabled
> chaining) we check whether the current instruction count plus the number of
> instructions in the next TB is greater than the instruction count recorded
> for the next interrupt. If so, we retranslate and terminate the block at
> the right point so we can deliver the interrupt.
> There is one gotcha to this,  which is that care had to be taken to not
> interfere with the search_pc mechanism.
> If the above explanation isn't clear feel free to ask questions or just
> wait 2 weeks and read the code. I'm not sure how much work it would be to
> integrate what we have into the gdb stub but I'd be delighted if someone
> took on the task.
> Cheers,
> Brendan
> On 19 May 2013 21:09, Mark Burton <> wrote:
> >         Note - what I understand by a basic block is something that ends
> in a
> > jump/branch of some description. Hence, one thing I think you can say
> about a
> > basic block is that each PC value within it is unique. Hence, if I know
> the
> > number of basic blocks executed, and the current PC, then I should be
> able to
> > re-run to there (assuming a deterministic system of course).
> Assuming your rerun is strictly deterministic so you always exit
> the basic block the same way each time, then yes, this amounts
> to optimising the "instruction count" by doing it as "X basic
> blocks then Y instructions". You could actually have this
> really do the instruction count for you, if you track insns
> per block at translation time. (There is some fiddling necessary
> when we take an unexpected exception in the middle of a block
> due to a load/store fault.)
> > I'd be interested to know (a) if there is a sensible place for
> > adding a basic block counter, and (b) if people like this route
> > better or worse than an instruction counter?
> I think you're probably best off getting the instruction counter
> working properly before trying to optimise it...
> thanks
> -- PMM

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