On 05/15/13 18:25, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Il 15/05/2013 18:25, Laszlo Ersek ha scritto:
>> (Not sure why the CC list has grown this huge, but I'm adding Drew for
>> good mesaure.)
>> On 05/15/13 09:27, Hu Tao wrote:
>>> On Wed, May 15, 2013 at 09:21:54AM +0200, Laszlo Ersek wrote:
>>>> On 04/05/13 09:17, Hu Tao wrote:
>>>>> +            Method(RDPT, 0, NotSerialized) {
>>>>> +                Store(PEPT, Local0)
>>>>> +                Return (Local0)
>>>>> +            }
>>>>> +
>>>>> +            Method(WRPT, 1, NotSerialized) {
>>>>> +                Store(Arg0, PEPT)
>>>>> +            }
>>>> Please excuse my asking, I haven't been following this -- who's supposed
>>>> to call these methods? The latest guest kernel patch I managed to find
>>>> ([PATCH v7] kvm: notify host when the guest is panicked -- probably
>>>> obsolete by now) appears to do a direct outl().
>>> An old version calls WRPT but is buggy, so you see the outl version.
>>> This patch is in seabios before the outl version. If you think these
>>> methods are needless, feel free to send a patch.
>> After Drew located the guest kernel commit for me,
>> http://git.kernel.org/?p=linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git;a=commitdiff;h=8b10acd7
>> I can see this SeaBIOS patch *is* necessary -- even though the RDPT /
>> WRPT methods are not used for port access, the port number itself is
>> available from ACPI (\_SB.PCI0.ISA.PEVT._CRS, identified by the
>> "QEMU0001" HID) to the kernel.
>> Hu, can you (and are you willing to) relicense this commit (seabios
>> commit e9725dd7) under the 2-clause BSDL so I can port it to OVMF?
>> (Actually I'm somewhat confused because the first S-o-b is from Paolo.
>> Since I share an employer with Paolo, getting permission from Paolo
>> would be either quite easy or even unnecessary. Anyway it's better to ask!)
> I and Hu did half of the patch each. :)
> But I think it's simpler to avoid OVMF and wait for the time when QEMU
> will produce the ACPI tables.

That's fine by me; thanks.

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