On 2013-05-06 12:27, Paolo Bonzini wrote:
> Il 06/05/2013 10:40, Jan Kiszka ha scritto:
>>>     [*]  The "subscriber link" mechanism allows an LWN.net
>>>          subscriber to generate a special URL for a
>>>          subscription-only article. That URL can then be given to
>>>          others, who will be able to access the article regardless
>>>          of whether they are subscribed. This feature is made
>>>          available as a service to LWN subscribers, and in the hope
>>>          that they will use it to spread the word about their
>>>          favorite LWN articles.
>>>> And memory_region_find should likely always increment a reference
>>>> if the target region has an owner. We should convert its users to
>>>> properly dereference the region once done with it.
>>> Yes.  But this is what requires you to have an owner for all regions.
>> You don't need an owner for regions that are protect by the BQL (the
>> majority in the foreseeable future). For those regions, reference
>> counting can remain a nop, internally.
> The problem is that even if I/O for a region is supposed to happen
> within the BQL, lookup can happen outside the BQL.  Lookup will use the
> region even if it is just to discard it:
>            VCPU thread (under BQL)              device thread
> --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>                                                 flatview_ref
>                                                 memory_region_find returns 
> d->mr
>                                                 memory_region_ref(d->mr) /* 
> nop */
>            qdev_free(d)
>              object_unparent(d)
>                unrealize(d)
>                  memory_region_del_subregion(d->mr)
>                    FlatView updated, d->mr not in the new view
>                                                 flatview_unref
>                                                   memory_region_unref(d->mr)
>                                                     object_unref(d)
>                                                       free(d)
>                                                 if (!d->mr->is_ram) {        
> /* BAD! */
>                                                   memory_region_unref(d->mr) 
> /* nop */
>                                                   return error
>                                                 }
> Here, the memory region is dereferenced *before* we know that it is BQL-free
> (in fact, exactly to ascertain whether it is BQL-free).

Both flatview update and lookup *plus* locking type evaluation (i.e.
memory region dereferencing) always happen under the address space lock.
See Pingfan's patch.


Siemens AG, Corporate Technology, CT RTC ITP SDP-DE
Corporate Competence Center Embedded Linux

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