On 04/17/2013 03:20 PM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
> On Tue, Apr 16, 2013 at 11:08:59AM +0800, Jason Wang wrote:
>> On 04/15/2013 04:28 PM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
>>> On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 01:29:01PM +0800, Jason Wang wrote:
>>>> On 04/13/2013 09:17 PM, Aurelien Jarno wrote:
>>>>> On Fri, Jan 25, 2013 at 06:35:41PM +0800, Jason Wang wrote:
>>>>>> This patch implements both userspace and vhost support for multiple queue
>>>>>> virtio-net (VIRTIO_NET_F_MQ). This is done by introducing an array of
>>>>>> VirtIONetQueue to VirtIONet.
>>>>>> Signed-off-by: Jason Wang <jasow...@redhat.com>
>>>>>> ---
>>>>>>  hw/virtio-net.c |  317 
>>>>>> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++------------
>>>>>>  hw/virtio-net.h |   28 +++++-
>>>>>>  2 files changed, 275 insertions(+), 70 deletions(-)
>>>>> This patch breaks virtio-net in Minix, even with multiqueue disable. I
>>>>> don't know virtio enough to know if it is a Minix or a QEMU problem.
>>>>> However I have been able to identify the part of the commit causing the
>>>>> failure:
>>>> Hi Aurelien:
>>>> Thanks for the work.
>>>>>> diff --git a/hw/virtio-net.c b/hw/virtio-net.c
>>>>>> index ef522d5..cec91a7 100644
>>>>>> --- a/hw/virtio-net.c
>>>>>> +++ b/hw/virtio-net.c
>>>>> ...
>>>>>> +static void virtio_net_set_multiqueue(VirtIONet *n, int multiqueue, int 
>>>>>> ctrl)
>>>>>> +{
>>>>>> +    VirtIODevice *vdev = &n->vdev;
>>>>>> +    int i, max = multiqueue ? n->max_queues : 1;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +    n->multiqueue = multiqueue;
>>>>>> +
>>>>>> +    for (i = 2; i <= n->max_queues * 2 + 1; i++) {
>>>>>> +        virtio_del_queue(vdev, i);
>>>>>> +    }
>>>>>> +
>>>>> The for loop above is something which is new, even with multiqueue
>>>>> disabled. Even with max_queues=1 it calls virtio_del_queue with i = 2
>>>>> and i = 3. Disabling this loop makes the code to work as before.
>>>> Looks like a bug here, need to change n->max_queues * 2 + 1 to
>>>> n->max_queues * 2. The reason we need to del queue 2 each time because
>>>> vq 2 has different meaning is multiqueue and single queue. In single
>>>> queue, vq 2 maybe ctrl vq, but in multiqueue mode it was rx1.
>>>> Let's see whether this small change works.
>>> Unfortunately it doesn't fix the issue. I don't know a lot about virtio,
>>> but would it be possible to only delete the queue that have been
>>> enabled?
>> The issue is vq 2 has different meanings in two modes, so it must be
>> deleted and reinitialized during feature negotiation.
>>>>> On the Minix side it triggers the following assertion:
>>>>> | virtio.c:370: assert "q->vaddr != NULL" failed, function 
>>>>> "free_phys_queue"                                                         
>>>>> | virtio_net(73141): panic: assert failed
>>>>> This correspond to this function in lib/libvirtio/virtio.c:
>>>>> | static void
>>>>> | free_phys_queue(struct virtio_queue *q)
>>>>> | {
>>>>> |         assert(q != NULL);
>>>>> |         assert(q->vaddr != NULL);
>>>>> | 
>>>>> |         free_contig(q->vaddr, q->ring_size);
>>>>> |         q->vaddr = NULL;
>>>>> |         q->paddr = 0;
>>>>> |         q->num = 0;
>>>>> |         free_contig(q->data, sizeof(q->data[0]));
>>>>> |         q->data = NULL;
>>>>> | }
>>>>> Do you have an idea if the problem is on the Minix side or on the QEMU
>>>>> side?
>>>> Haven't figured out the relationship between virtqueue dynamic del/add
>>>> and q->vaddr here. If the above changes does not work, I guess this
>>> Unfortunately I don't really know the minix code either. I happen to
>>> found the issue when testing other changes, and looked at the code to
>>> try to understand the problem.
>> Me too.
>>>> problem happens only for ctrl vq (vq2)? And when does this happen?
>>> I guess so given removing the call to virtio_del_queue() for vq2 fixes
>>> or workarounds the issue.
>> It will cause trouble for multiqueue guest who may think vq2 is rx queue.
>>>> Rebooting?
>>> It happens at the initial boot.
>> Looks at the codes, looks like vq2 was initialized unconditionally at
>> start, how about the following patch?
>> diff --git a/hw/virtio-net.c b/hw/virtio-net.c
>> index 4bb49eb..4886aa0 100644
>> --- a/hw/virtio-net.c
>> +++ b/hw/virtio-net.c
>> @@ -1300,7 +1300,6 @@ VirtIODevice *virtio_net_init(DeviceState *dev,
>> NICConf *conf,
>>                                             virtio_net_handle_tx_bh);
>>          n->vqs[0].tx_bh = qemu_bh_new(virtio_net_tx_bh, &n->vqs[0]);
>>      }
>> -    n->ctrl_vq = virtio_add_queue(&n->vdev, 64, virtio_net_handle_ctrl);
>>      qemu_macaddr_default_if_unset(&conf->macaddr);
>>      memcpy(&n->mac[0], &conf->macaddr, sizeof(n->mac));
>>      n->status = VIRTIO_NET_S_LINK_UP;
> Unfortunately this patch doesn't work, I tried it with and without your
> previous suggested change (max_queues * 2 + 1) => max_queues * 2.
> Aurelien

Thanks for the test, I will try to get a minix to see what happens and
keep you updated.

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