On 03/28/2013 12:31 PM, Michael S. Tsirkin wrote:
On Thu, Mar 28, 2013 at 12:11:22PM -0400, Stefan Berger wrote:
On 03/27/2013 03:12 PM, Stefan Berger wrote:
On 03/27/2013 02:27 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
Stefan Berger <stef...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> writes:

On 03/27/2013 01:14 PM, Anthony Liguori wrote:
Stefan Berger <stef...@linux.vnet.ibm.com> writes:

What I struggle with is that we're calling this a "blobstore".  Using
BER to store "blobs" seems kind of pointless especially when we're
talking about exactly three blobs.

I suspect real hardware does something like, flash is N
bytes, blob 1 is
a max of X bytes, blob 2 is a max of Y bytes, and blob 3 is
(N - X - Y)

Do we really need to do anything more than that?
I typically call it NVRAM, but earlier discussions seemed to prefer

Using BER is the 2nd design of the NVRAM/blobstore. The 1st one didn't
use any visitors but used a directory in the first sector pointing to
the actual blobs in other sectors of the block device. The organization
of the directory and assignment of the blobs to their sectors, aka 'the
layout of the data' in the disk image, was handled by the
NVRAM/blobstore implementation.
Okay, the short response is:

Just make the TPM have a DRIVE property, drop all notion of
NVRAM/blobstore, and used fixed offsets into the BlockDriverState for
each blob.
Fine by me. I don't see the need for visitors. I guess sharing of
the persistent storage between different types of devices is not a
goal here so that a layer that hides the layout and the blobs'
position within the storage would be necessary. Also fine by me
for as long as we don't come back to this discussion.
One thing I'd like to get clarity about is the following
corner-case. A user supplies some VM image as persistent storage for
the TPM. It contains garbage. How do we handle this case? Does the
TPM then just start writing its state into this image or do we want
to have some layer in place that forces a user to go through the
step of formatting after that layer indicates that the data are
unreadable. Besides that a completely empty image also contains
garbage from the perspective of TPM persistent state and for that

My intention would (again) be to put a header in front of every
blob. That header would contain a crc32 covering that header (minus
the crc32 field itself of course) plus the blob to determine whether
the blob is garbage or not. It is similar in those terms as the 1st
implementation where we also had a directory that contained that
crc32 for the directory itself and for each blob. This is not a
filesystem, I know that.


It was precisely this addition of more and more metadata
that made me suggest a format like BER. But of course
a file per field will do too: following what Anthony suggested you would
put the checksum in a separate file?

My intention would be to still support migration, so a block device / image file is then probably the best choice addressing this concern unless we force every setup to provide a shared filesystem. I think the latter wouldn't be accepted.

Another idea (again) would be to support encryption on other image file than QCoW2. Here the user would supply the AES key to that persistent storage layer and that layer would keep a flag whether the blobs are encrypted and encrypt them upon writing , decrypt them upon reading. The crc32 also here could serve the purpose of seeing whether the right key was supplied, which can be detected upon decryption and the blob's crc not matching what was computed when it was written. If crc32 is not good enough, we can use a sha1 for this 'integrity' check or possibly the padding of AES can reveal the bad decryption as well. Some form of integrity checking in conjunction with a formatting step seems necessary. Besides that not having to use QCoW2, and with that getting automatic support for snapshotting, addresses a concern from the virtualized TPM spec that as far as I know doesn't want to see multiple states of the same TPM, which in effect snapshotting could cause. So if one wanted to be compliant to that spec one could use raw VM image files and along with that get encryption and migration.

At least in the following aspects we are away from the hardware-world:

- image files are accessible through the filesystem and can be looked into and their secrets retrieved while the NVRAM of a device may be shielded and more difficult to be examined (it's not impossible) -> so we may want to have encryption for every type of image file and not just rely on QCoW2 encryption or assume the image files always reside in encrypted filesystems

- admittedly a corner case: persistent storage that contains garbage needs to be consciously formatted or the user asked what to do; an image file with all zeros could probably be detected, though, but if we require formatting for the case where garbage is found,we may as well require it here also

I understand your suggestion with the BER encoding. One problematic aspect of the whole BER stuff including all the other patches around it seem to be that they are be too big (~5.5ksloc) to find much love.


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