Il 04/03/2013 11:10, Christian Borntraeger ha scritto:
> +            //disabled wait: we either
> +            //do a
> +            //monitor_protocol_event(QEVENT_GUEST_PANICKED, whatever);
> +            //or
> +            //or call into pvevent
>              r = EXCP_HALTED;
>              break;
>          case ICPT_CPU_STOP:
> I would prefer to just use the monitor_protocol_event, on the other hand
> a call into pvent could make it configurable.

I asked in my review to make pvevent not configurable,  So


would do I guess.

Feel free to submit a patch to qemu-devel.  Hu, please take any patch
that Christian submits and incorporate it in your series for future posting.


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