>>>>> On Mon, 28 Jan 2008 11:48:00 +0000, Stefano Stabellini <[EMAIL 
>>>>> PROTECTED]> said:

    Stefano> Hi all, qemu doesn't enqueue mouse events, just records the
    Stefano> latest mouse state.  This can cause some lost mouse double
    Stefano> clicks if the events are not processed fast enought.  I am
    Stefano> attaching a patch that implements a simple queue for left
    Stefano> mouse click events.

Good point! :-)

But is it possible to use higher-level queue constructions rather than
inlining the queue behaviour in the code? Because it will be hard to
maintain if everybody introduces her own queue, list or whatever structure
each time it is needed...

It reminds me the MINIX source code, quite hard to modify because of this
kind of stuff... :-)

Thank you!
  Ronan KERYELL                 |\/  Tel:    (+33|0)
  Département Informatique      |/)  Fax:    (+33|0)
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