On 2013/02/19 9:15, mdroth wrote:
> On Fri, Feb 15, 2013 at 12:55:49PM +0900, Tomoki Sekiyama wrote:
>> On 2013/02/15 9:47, mdroth wrote:
>> [...]
>>> Hi Tomoki,
>> Hi,
>>> Did you happen to run into this issue compiling the test program?
>>> [mdroth@vm qemu-build]$ ls ~/w/vsssdk/inc/win2003/
>>> vdslun.h    vsbackup.h    vscoordint.idl  vsmgmt.idl  vsprov.idl
>>> vss.idl    vsswprv.idl
>>> vdslun.idl  vscoordint.h  vsmgmt.h        vsprov.h    vss.h
>>> vsswprv.h  vswriter.h
>>> [mdroth@vm qemu-build]$ cat test.c
>>> #define __MIDL_user_allocate_free_DEFINED__
>>> #include <inc/win2003/vss.h>
>>> int main(void) { return VSS_CTX_BACKUP; }
>>> [mdroth@vm qemu-build]$ gcc -I ~/w/vsssdk/ -o test test.c
>>> In file included from test.c:2:0:
>>> /home/mdroth/w/vsssdk/inc/win2003/vss.h:25:17: fatal error: rpc.h: No
>>> such file or directory
>>> compilation terminated.
>>> I can't seem to locate any mingw or microsoft package that provides that.
>>> It's also not present anywhere on the Wine filesystem I installed the
>>> VSS SDK to.
>> Hmm, I haven't seen this yet.
>> I am testing this on Fedora 18 x86_64 host, and it provides package
>> "mingw32-headers.noarch" or "mingw64-headers.noarch" which contains
>> the rpc.h
>> (filepath is /usr/x86_64-w64-mingw32/sys-root/mingw/include/rpc.h )
> Thanks. I actually did have that header, but I was doing something silly
> (forgot to use cross-compiler for the test program). The configure issue
> I was hitting was also an error on my part (options with "~" weren't
> resolving to my home dir). I did end up missing ntverp.h however in
> vss-win32.h using Fedora 15. I made some progress trying the build
> without it however. Can you confirm all the headers in vss-win32.h are
> needed? 

Some of headers in vss-win32.h (nterp,h, rpc.h, rpcndr.h, etc) seems
needed to build qemu-ga.exe in a native build environment(mingw on Windows).
In my Fedora 18 environment, these don't cause errors, but it also
succeeded to build even without the headers.

> I went ahead and put together an FC18 environment, but would be
> nice if we can get this building for older environments (if possible).

I will try this with some of my old VMs and investigate which headers
are really needed.

Tomoki Sekiyama

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