> Am 18.01.2013 17:22, schrieb Paolo Bonzini:
> > I haven't written a testcase for it, it's tricky but should be
> > doable.
> > Do you want me to respin, or can it be done as a followup?
> I think I would prefer a respin, but if you think otherwise, I won't
> insist.

Okay, I'll respin.  I'll just note that this series now is in danger of
missing 1.4 (after 1.2 and 1.3) because only Laszlo and Eric gave it a
decent review in the six months since it was first posted.

Had I been employed by any other company, I'd probably just have kept
the code in house and forgotten about upstream.

> Also, wouldn't we backport the fixed version in the first place so that
> a pointer isn't even needed? This code doesn't seem to exist yet in
> RHEL 6.

Oops, you're right.  We fixed the problem in a different way.


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