> > 
> > IIRC q35 supports memory hotplug natively (picked up in some
> > discussion).  Is that correct?
> > 
> From previous discussion I also understand that q35 supports native hotplug. 
> Sections 5.1 and 5.2 of the spec describe the MCH registers but the native
> memory hotplug specifics are not yet clear to me. Any pointers from the
> spec are welcome.

Ping. Could anyone who's familiar with the q35 spec provide some pointers on
native memory hotplug details in the spec? I see pcie hotplug registers but 
find memory hotplug interface details. If I am not mistaken, the spec is here:

Is the q35 memory hotplug support supposed to be an shpc-like interface geared
towards memory slots instead of pci slots?


- Vasilis

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