On 01/09/2013 04:23 PM, Wanlong Gao wrote:
> On 01/08/2013 06:14 PM, Jason Wang wrote:
>> On 01/08/2013 06:00 PM, Wanlong Gao wrote:
>>> On 01/08/2013 05:51 PM, Jason Wang wrote:
>>>> On 01/08/2013 05:49 PM, Wanlong Gao wrote:
>>>>> On 01/08/2013 05:29 PM, Jason Wang wrote:
>>>>>> On 01/08/2013 05:07 PM, Wanlong Gao wrote:
>>>>>>> On 12/28/2012 06:32 PM, Jason Wang wrote:
>>>>>>>> +    } else if (nc->peer->info->type !=  NET_CLIENT_OPTIONS_KIND_TAP) {
>>>>>>>> +        ret = -1;
>>>>>>>> +    } else {
>>>>>>>> +        ret = tap_detach(nc->peer);
>>>>>>>> +    }
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> +    return ret;
>>>>>>>> +}
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> +static void virtio_net_set_queues(VirtIONet *n)
>>>>>>>> +{
>>>>>>>> +    int i;
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> +    for (i = 0; i < n->max_queues; i++) {
>>>>>>>> +        if (i < n->curr_queues) {
>>>>>>>> +            assert(!peer_attach(n, i));
>>>>>>>> +        } else {
>>>>>>>> +            assert(!peer_detach(n, i));
>>>>>>> I got a assert here,
>>>>>>> qemu-system-x86_64: /work/git/qemu/hw/virtio-net.c:330: 
>>>>>>> virtio_net_set_queues: Assertion `!peer_detach(n, i)' failed.
>>>>>>> Any thoughts?
>>>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>>>> Wanlong Gao
>>>>>> Thanks for the testing, which steps or cases did you met this assertion,
>>>>>> migration, reboot or just changing the number of virtqueues?
>>>>> I use the 3.8-rc2 to test it again, I saw this tag has the multi-tap 
>>>>> support.
>>>>> I just can't start the QEMU use  -netdev 
>>>>> tap,id=hostnet0,queues=2,fd=%d,fd=%d -device 
>>>>> virtio-net-pci,netdev=hostnet0,id=net0,mac=52:54:00:ce:7b:29,bus=pci.0,addr=0x3
>>>>> I pre-opened two tap fds, did I missing something?
>>>> Nothing missed :) It should work.
>>>> Could you please try not use fd=X and let qemu to create the file
>>>> descriptors by itself? Btw, how did you create the two tap fds?
>>> Can it create descriptors itself? I get 
>>> qemu-system-x86_64: -netdev tap,id=hostnet0,queues=2: Device 'tap' could 
>>> not be initialized
>> You need prepare an ifup script which default at /etc/qemu-ifup (like
>> following). Or you may try to add a script=no after:
>> #!/bin/sh
>> switch=kvmbr0
>> /sbin/ifconfig $1 up
>> /usr/sbin/brctl addif $switch $1
>> /usr/sbin/brctl stp $switch off
>> This will let qemu create a tap fd itself and make it to be connected to
>> a port of the bridge caled kvmbr0.
> But how to support multi-queue in this way?

Qemu will create the necessary multiqueue tap by itself, see patch 0/12.
> I got guest kernel panic when using this way and set queues=4.

Does it happens w/o or w/ a fd parameter? What's the qemu command line?
Did you meet it during boot time?

> Thanks,
> Wanlong Gao
>>> I create the tap fd like this, and dup create the second fd, third fd, 
>>> right?
>> The second and third fd should be created with TUNSETIFF with the same
>> tap_name also. Btw, you need to specify a IFF_MULTI_QUEUE flag to tell
>> the kernel you want to create a multiqueue tap device, otherwise the
>> second and third calling of TUNSETIFF will fail.
>> Thanks
>>>     int tap_fd = open("/dev/net/tun", O_RDWR);
>>>     int vhost_fd = open("/dev/vhost-net", O_RDWR);
>>>     char *tap_name = "tap";
>>>     char cmd[2048];
>>>     char brctl[256];
>>>     char netup[256];
>>>     struct ifreq ifr;
>>>     if (tap_fd < 0) {
>>>             printf("open tun device failed\n");
>>>             return -1;
>>>     }
>>>     if (vhost_fd < 0) {
>>>             printf("open vhost-net device failed\n");
>>>             return -1;
>>>     }
>>>     memset(&ifr, 0, sizeof(ifr));
>>>     memcpy(ifr.ifr_name, tap_name, sizeof(tap_name));
>>>     ifr.ifr_flags = IFF_TAP | IFF_NO_PI;
>>>     /*
>>>      * setup tap net device
>>>      */
>>>     if (ioctl(tap_fd, TUNSETIFF, &ifr) < 0) {
>>>             printf("setup tap net device failed\n");
>>>             return -1;
>>>     }
>>>     sprintf(brctl, "brctl addif virbr0 %s", tap_name);
>>>     sprintf(netup, "ifconfig %s up", tap_name);
>>>     system(brctl);
>>>     system(netup);
>>> Thanks,
>>> Wanlong Gao
>>>> Thanks
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Wanlong Gao
>>>>>>>> +        }
>>>>>>>> +    }
>>>>>>>> +}
>>>>>>>> +
>>>>>>>> +static void virtio_net_set_multiqueue(VirtIONet *n, int multiqueue, 
>>>>>>>> int ctrl);
>>>>>>>> +
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