> > 2.1 Switch to snapshot mode
> How do you switch to snapshot mode *while* the VM is running, i.e.
> without stopping and restarting qemu?  The only way I know to enter that
> mode is using the -snapshot switch at invocation time and I don't think
> it can be done online.

As I said, I'm just a user ;) I don't see a reason why this can't be
implemented... This is the devel list, so if a good idea comes up
someone can implement it ;)

> If executing step 2.1 is actually possible, you can skip step 3.1 and
> 3.2 because the remote copy is already consistent with the state the VM
> went throught at the time of execution of step 2.1 .  If it was
> possible, it would be just fine for automated daily backups.

Yes, you're right. I wanted to update a little more but it doesn't
really make much sense...

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