On 12/12/2012 01:52:29 AM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
On 12/12/12 04:18, Scott Wood wrote:
> QEMU is sometimes used in embedded contexts, where graphical support
> is unnecessary. The ability to turn off graphics support not only
> saves some space, but it eliminates the dependency on pixman.
We have tons of hand-crafted pixel shuffeling code all over the place
which I want replace with pixman library calls. It's a long road and
will take quite some time.
I wanna have pixman as core service in qemu for that, not some
Why? Isn't modularity a good thing? It can still be a core service
for any part of QEMU that deals with graphics.
> My immediate motivation was that the QEMU-supplied pixman was being
> pain to cross compile (especially without hacking up the generated
> makefiles to pass additional things to pixman's configure),
We pass on cross-prefix to pixman's configure, so it should
That's actually what was breaking it (I gave more details in another
e-mail in this thread). cross-prefix and host tuple are not quite the
same thing.
> and in
> general it would be nice to not have to carry around graphical
> when running on hardware that doesn't even have a display (so I was
> inclined to do this than to spend effort fixing the pixman build).
I run qemu on headless machines alot, then connect via vnc/spice ...
So then don't turn off graphics support in your build, just as you
don't turn off vnc/spice. :-P
Another thing that is missing on the hardware I'm talking about is a
hard drive, so overly large qemu binaries are also not fun.