Am 12.12.2012 20:43, schrieb Blue Swirl:
> On Wed, Dec 12, 2012 at 6:29 AM, Andreas Färber <> 
> wrote:
>> +static void omap_i2c_send(uint8_t addr, const void *buf, uint16_t len)
> With const uint8_t *buf you could avoid a few casts below.

Good idea, thanks. I was working with other data types before, where
void* saved casts.

>> +    qtest_add_func("/tmp105/tx-rx", send_and_receive);
> A register fuzzing test (like rtc-test.c) would be nice too.

I'm aware of your register fuzzing tests. However we do not directly
access registers of the tmp105, so those should go into an
omap_i2c-test.c file instead if someone wants to ever test that

Alex H. has pointed to some more real-world test cases which I'd invite
him to add here as follow-ups.

My quest for tonight will be to generalize the I2C API for libqos by
comparing the tegra_i2c implementation. I hope my omap_i2c_* API is
pretty close already if we add one parameter for an adapter struct.


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