On 11/19/2012 09:56 AM, Gerd Hoffmann wrote:
> On 11/19/12 00:29, Tim Hardeck wrote:
>> Hi Stefan,
>> thanks for your input but how should it be implemented?
>> I personally would like activating Websockets as a VNC option like:
>> " -vnc :0 -vnc :1,websockets" I have already tested this locally
>> and it does work but only for one protocol since QEMU does only
>> interpret the last vnc option. So is allowing more than one VNC
>> command line entry in combination with having more than one VNC
>> thread for the same display worth working on or do you have
>> something different in mind?
> -vnc :0,websock=$portnr ?
This sounds resonable although maybe the websockets port could just
always be display + 1 so there is no need to parse a port.


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