Oops, I seem to have missed this post, sorry for not answering earlier...

In article <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> you write:
>On Tue, Nov 13 2007, Juergen Lock wrote:
>> Hi!
>>  Yesterday I learned that FreeBSD 7.0-BETA2 guests will no longer
>> read from the emulated cd drive, apparently because of this commit:
>> The following patch file added to the qemu-devel port fixes the issue
>> for me, is it also correct?   (making the guest see a dvd in the drive
>> when it is inserted, previously it saw the drive as empty.)
>>  The second hunk is already in qemu cvs so remove it if you want to
>> test on that.  ISO used for testing:
>> (test by either selecting fixit->cdrom or by trying to install, just
>> booting it will always work because that goes thru the bios.)
>> Index: qemu/hw/ide.c
>> @@ -1339,6 +1341,8 @@
>>                  case 0x2a:
>>                      cpu_to_ube16(&buf[0], 28 + 6);
>>                      buf[2] = 0x70;
>> +                    if (bdrv_is_inserted(s->bs))
>> +                        buf[2] = 0x40;
>medium type code has been obsoleted since at least 1999. Looking back at
>even older docs, 0x70 is 'door closed, no disc present'. 0x40 is a
>reserved value though, I would not suggest using that. Given that
>freebsd breaks, my suggest change would be the below - keep the 0x70 for
>when no disc is really inserted, but don't set anything if there is.
>diff --git a/hw/ide.c b/hw/ide.c
>index 5f76c27..52d4c78 100644
>--- a/hw/ide.c
>+++ b/hw/ide.c
>@@ -1344,7 +1344,10 @@ static void ide_atapi_cmd(IDEState *s)
>                     break;
>                 case 0x2a:
>                     cpu_to_ube16(&buf[0], 28 + 6);
>-                    buf[2] = 0x70;
>+                  if (!bdrv_is_inserted(s->bs))
>+                      buf[2] = 0x70;
>+                  else
>+                      buf[2] = 0;
>                     buf[3] = 0;
>                     buf[4] = 0;
>                     buf[5] = 0;

 Well that (0) doesn't work.  The relevant FreeBSD header,
, defines the following:

/* CDROM Capabilities and Mechanical Status Page */
struct cappage {
    /* mode page data header */
    u_int16_t   data_length;
    u_int8_t    medium_type;
#define MST_TYPE_MASK_LOW       0x0f
#define MST_FMT_NONE            0x00
#define MST_DATA_120            0x01
#define MST_AUDIO_120           0x02
#define MST_COMB_120            0x03
#define MST_PHOTO_120           0x04
#define MST_DATA_80             0x05
#define MST_AUDIO_80            0x06
#define MST_COMB_80             0x07
#define MST_PHOTO_80            0x08

#define MST_TYPE_MASK_HIGH      0x70
#define MST_CDROM               0x00
#define MST_CDR                 0x10
#define MST_CDRW                0x20
#define MST_DVD                 0x40

#define MST_NO_DISC             0x70
#define MST_DOOR_OPEN           0x71
#define MST_FMT_ERROR           0x72

    u_int8_t    dev_spec;
    u_int16_t   unused;
    u_int16_t   blk_desc_len;

    /* capabilities page */
    u_int8_t    page_code;
#define ATAPI_CDROM_CAP_PAGE    0x2a

    u_int8_t    param_len;

    u_int16_t   media;
#define MST_READ_CDR            0x0001
#define MST_READ_CDRW           0x0002
#define MST_READ_PACKET         0x0004
#define MST_READ_DVDROM         0x0008
#define MST_READ_DVDR           0x0010
#define MST_READ_DVDRAM         0x0020
#define MST_WRITE_CDR           0x0100
#define MST_WRITE_CDRW          0x0200
#define MST_WRITE_TEST          0x0400
#define MST_WRITE_DVDR          0x1000
#define MST_WRITE_DVDRAM        0x2000

    u_int16_t   capabilities;
#define MST_AUDIO_PLAY          0x0001
#define MST_COMPOSITE           0x0002
#define MST_AUDIO_P1            0x0004
#define MST_AUDIO_P2            0x0008
#define MST_MODE2_f1            0x0010
#define MST_MODE2_f2            0x0020
#define MST_MULTISESSION        0x0040
#define MST_BURNPROOF           0x0080
#define MST_READ_CDDA           0x0100
#define MST_CDDA_STREAM         0x0200
#define MST_COMBINED_RW         0x0400
#define MST_CORRECTED_RW        0x0800
#define MST_SUPPORT_C2          0x1000
#define MST_ISRC                0x2000
#define MST_UPC                 0x4000

    u_int8_t    mechanism;
#define MST_LOCKABLE            0x01
#define MST_LOCKED              0x02
#define MST_PREVENT             0x04
#define MST_EJECT               0x08
#define MST_MECH_MASK           0xe0
#define MST_MECH_CADDY          0x00
#define MST_MECH_TRAY           0x20
#define MST_MECH_POPUP          0x40
#define MST_MECH_CHANGER        0x80
#define MST_MECH_CARTRIDGE      0xa0

    uint8_t     audio;
#define MST_SEP_VOL             0x01
#define MST_SEP_MUTE            0x02

    u_int16_t   max_read_speed;         /* max raw data rate in bytes/1000 */
    u_int16_t   max_vol_levels;         /* number of discrete volume levels */
    u_int16_t   buf_size;               /* internal buffer size in bytes/1024 */
    u_int16_t   cur_read_speed;         /* current data rate in bytes/1000  */

    u_int8_t    reserved3;
    u_int8_t    misc;

    u_int16_t   max_write_speed;        /* max raw data rate in bytes/1000 */
    u_int16_t   cur_write_speed;        /* current data rate in bytes/1000  */
    u_int16_t   copy_protect_rev;
    u_int16_t   reserved4;


 and in
a check is done like this:

static int
acd_geom_access(struct g_provider *pp, int dr, int dw, int de)
    device_t dev = pp->geom->softc;
    struct acd_softc *cdp = device_get_ivars(dev);
    int timeout = 60, track;

    /* check for media present, waiting for loading medium just in case */
    while (timeout--) {
        if (!acd_mode_sense(dev, ATAPI_CDROM_CAP_PAGE,
                            (caddr_t)&cdp->cap, sizeof(cdp->cap)) &&
                            cdp->cap.page_code == ATAPI_CDROM_CAP_PAGE) {
            if ((cdp->cap.medium_type == MST_FMT_NONE) ||
                (cdp->cap.medium_type == MST_NO_DISC) ||
                (cdp->cap.medium_type == MST_DOOR_OPEN) ||
                (cdp->cap.medium_type == MST_FMT_ERROR))
                return EIO;
        pause("acdld", hz / 2);

 There have been reports of this also being broken on real hw tho, like,
so I'm not sure what to make of this...


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